IYEA 2023 Program
On behalf of the organizing committee and Korean Society of Gastrointestinal and Endoscopy (KSGE), we would like to invite young enthusiastic endoscopists from around the world to apply for the International Young Endoscopist 2023 Program, which will be held between May 29 – June 10, 2023, in Korea.
The IYEA program is intended to promote technical advancement and collaboration among young endoscopists. This program has been held annually since 2014, with 306 young international endoscopists from 32 countries having participated so far. The program enables them to acquire and develop new advanced knowledge and technical skills in GI endoscopy by clinical training at Korean high-volume centers, which in turn improve patient care in the applicant’s home.
The IDEN committee will provide financial support of USD 1,500, to participants to cover travel and all incidental expenses. In addition, they will be invited to take part in the ‘Young Endoscopist Forum,’ and the IDEN 2023 registration fee will be reimbursed.
The application deadline for IYEA 2023 is February 28, 2023.